The Canticle Singers – Encore (Outdoor Led Screen (HD) Display) Gallery The Canticle Singers – Encore (Outdoor Led Screen (HD) Display) F88 Led Screen, F88-Outdoor, Fahrenheit 88 The Canticle Singers – Encore (Outdoor Led Screen (HD) Display) admin2016-12-14T15:15:49+08:00July 14th, 2015|Categories: F88 Led Screen, F88-Outdoor, Fahrenheit 88|
KL Fashion Week (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Gallery KL Fashion Week (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor KL Fashion Week (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) admin2017-04-12T10:30:13+08:00July 14th, 2015|Categories: Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor|Tags: #event, #fashion|
Mont Blanc (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Gallery Mont Blanc (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor Mont Blanc (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) admin2017-04-18T11:30:47+08:00July 14th, 2015|Categories: Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor|Tags: #timepiece, #watch|
Paco Rabanne (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Gallery Paco Rabanne (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor Paco Rabanne (Outdoor Led Screen, Brand@8) admin2016-12-14T15:15:49+08:00July 13th, 2015|Categories: Brand@8, Pavilion KL, PKL Outdoor Led Screen, PKL-Outdoor|
BMW (Outdoor Overhead Bridge) Gallery BMW (Outdoor Overhead Bridge) Pavilion KL, PKL-Outdoor BMW (Outdoor Overhead Bridge) admin2017-04-11T17:22:44+08:00July 2nd, 2015|Categories: Pavilion KL, PKL-Outdoor|Tags: #automobile, #car|
Red Army Watch (Indoor Led Screen (HD) Display) Gallery Red Army Watch (Indoor Led Screen (HD) Display) Pavilion KL, PKL - Level 4, PKL - Zone E, PKL Indoor Led Screen, PKL-Indoor Red Army Watch (Indoor Led Screen (HD) Display) admin2016-12-14T15:15:49+08:00July 1st, 2015|Categories: Pavilion KL, PKL - Level 4, PKL - Zone E, PKL Indoor Led Screen, PKL-Indoor|